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What is

The Plan?

This plan will totally change the way you look food,

Fat is not the enemy we have always been lead to believe,       

Research has now proven it is sugar.     


Make sure you understand what "Free Sugar" is, We like to think of them as Complex and Simple sugars, The simple sugars being the type we wish to avoid,


We can eat fat, HOW COME?

obviously too much fat is to be avoided, but you are better off having a little naturally occurring fat, such as olive oil or butter than artificial types such as low fat spreads and sauces, as not only are they full of chemicals, they are filled with sugar,

and its the sugar that makes you fatSugar is converted straight into fat.

Simple sugars are stored as fat in the dangerous areas, as visceral fat and that "belt" around your tummy,

where as fat is broken down into its components of nutrients and essential amino acids that the body needs.



That doesn’t mean we want you to totally forget everything you have ever been taught.


  • Portion control is the key as always – use the handy hand guide,

  • Lower fat options are always good, but remember fat free can mean that it is full of chemicals.

  • The less we mess around with our food - Eat Clean, Farm to Fork, the better, it is the manufacturers who are filling our food with unnecessary sugar, in things like pasta sauce mixes that just don’t need them.

  • Cook as our grandparents did, meat and 2 veg from scratch where possible

  • Low GI always, we want to avoid those spikes in our blood sugar levels that lead to hunger and binge eating, a slow release of energy throughout the day is the best way to eat.

  • Sugar is addictive; we do not need anywhere near the amount we consume.

  • The 14 sugar busting plan is designed to break that habit, and get you looking closely at labels in a different way.

You will find after 14 days of being very strict the addiction, you never knew you had to sugar, will have been broken. You will have more energy, lose weight and wonder why you never thought like this before.

But mostly....

Enjoy what you eat,

Plan what you eat,

Measure what you eat.


Miranda xx

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